
The core function of Paperboy is to deliver content to recipients. Each campaign is stored as file with a configuration header that’s commonly known as front matter.

To body of the campaign builds on the combination of Markdown markup language with the templating support from Go standard libraries. These are simple yet powerful pieces that allow multi-format emails with customized per-recipient content.


The campaign files go under the content directory of your project, nested at any level.

└── content
    └── announcements
    |   └──
    └── newsletters

The full name of the campaign is the path within the content directory without the extension - you will use this to deliver campaigns:

paperboy send announcements/upcoming-keynote ...

Custom content with text/template

After separating it from the front matter, Paperboy will process the template body with Go’s text/template library, and then render the Markdown template into HTML and text formats.

The following variables are available in the template scope of your campaign:

Variable Description
.Recipient.Email Destination email for recipient
.Recipient.Params Other metadata from recipient list
.Campaign.Subject Campaign subject from front matter
.Campaign.From Campaign sender from front matter
.Address Physical address from your configuration
.UnsubscribeURL Unsubscribe link from your configuration

These variables can be inserted into the body of your campaign, and be part of simple logic operations.

Format content with Markdown

Blackfriday is Paperboy’s Markdown rendering engine. Markdown use is out of the scope of this documentation. You can learn about these by visiting the corresponding websites.

Supported formats

At this time, we only support Markdown-formatted templates.


from: "Paperboy Team <>"
subject: "Hello from \"Paperboy\""

Hello {{ .Recipient.Name }},

Come to to check out this new cool campaign engine!
